Friday, August 16, 2013

New-Old Adventures

Hello everyone, thank you for reading, and for your great enduring faithfulness - I apologize for being so infrequent and sporadic in my posting!

The last year-plus has been a wonderful, full, and eventful one!

I'm very excited to be removing the adjective "potential" from the title of this blog - these are now no longer the "Pastimes of a POTENTIAL Pastor" and officially the "Pastimes of a PASTOR"!

I was called to be the Associate Pastor for the people who worship here:
The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin
The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin - Photo courtesy of Dave Moore
The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin (aka Pluckemin Church).
The people are even more lovely than the space where they worship.
Pluckemin Sanctuary
Sanctuary during Confirmation Sunday - Photo courtesy of Tom Dodd

My responsibilities include Christian Education (with a focus on Adult Education) and Mission.  I also get to do all the other ministerial duties such as preaching - which I do approximately monthly - pastoral care, and participating in our higher governing bodies.

I also have the privilege of teaching and having fantastic conversations with our youth when they journey through Confirmation. We are blessed with a fabulous group of young people whom I adore, and they inspire me with their love for one another and willingness to engage deeply with each other.

I really do love this congregation, and I sense that God is on the verge of drawing them together anew to do something really neat and life-giving for our community and world.  This is extremely exciting for me, and I pray Christ will show me how to help lead, and live, and do this together with them!

Thanks for reading!

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